Wednesday, June 18, 2014

MEETING: Senator Pat Toomey

Met and exchanged documents and supporting information at Senator Pat Toomey's office in Philadelphia this morning. The Constitutional Challenge of Rule 1.6 was presented.

The meeting covered the who, what where, why, how and when in a very short time... with supporting articles and references.

Requested Senator Toomey review and assist in editing of the request for congressional intervention. (Draft Copy)

The meeting ended with us offering to be available to address any questions and provide support and evidence of any issue which is challenged.

Senator Toomey is NOT a lawyer and is NOT MANDATED under Rule 1.6 to ignore injustice and judicial corruption.


After the meeting at Senator Toomey's office, we walked to Senator Casey's office a few blocks away. Though Sen. Casey's misinformed contact person had refused to arrange any meeting with us, we provided the handouts which were given to Senator Toomey and offered to address any questions or issues which Senator Casey might have on the matter.

We also requested Senator Casey's review and input regarding the the request for congressional intervention document. (Draft Copy)

Senator Casey IS a Lawyer and IS MANDATED under Rule 1.6 to take no action which adversely affects the integrity of the judiciary and the reputation of lawyers... even when those actions deny constitutionally protected rights.

Senator Casey's father was the Governor of Pennsylvania in 1987/1988 when the Rules of Professional Conduct were promulgated and enacted into law by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

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