Sunday, May 4, 2014

Rule 1.6 Broader than Attorney-Client Privilege

The following document includes 'Practice Points to help you avoid not only professional embarrassment, but also loss of clients, a disciplinary complaint or even a malpractice claim."


While the Model Rule 1.6(a) duty of confidentiality is closely related to the attorney-client privilege, it is broader in scope than the attorney-client privilege, "which is a rule of evidence," or "the work product immunity which is a rule of procedure."

Prosecutors, District Attorneys, and Attorneys General must know who their client is in order to protect their interest. As they represent the public, the government, the counties, the states, state agencies, their department, and THEMSELVES ... it's a wonder they can ever prosecute a corruption matter.

OH, THAT'S RIGHT... Prosecutors, District Attorneys, and Attorneys General DON'T prosecute judicial corruption. Rule 1.6 makes it unlawful for them to prosecute and adversely affect the integrity of the judiciary... EVEN where it denies the constitutional rights of the people...

Like the Cash for Kids children and their families...

Like the families affected by the foreclosure crisis nationwide...

Like the victims of family court where injustice overwhelms the target to commit suicide to escape.

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